Because of your financial support, we have just received another GREAT update from Pastor K.B...
Thank you!
Dear Ps. David and Rhonda,
Love and greetings ! We have just inaugurated two more Church buildings, and I would like to post their short report and pictures. So it will encourage you to pray and know what the Lord has been doing in Nepal through your prayer and contributions. These Churches are:
1) Sandesh Church Sishnaniya, Dang. This is going to be the largest and well built church building in Dang. Walls are made of bricks and concrete plastered, roof are supported by steel truss and tin roof, about 3,000 sq. feet sized. We have used $10,000 USD from the fund you have sent in July 2012 and January 2013 for Church buildings. The total expenses of this building project is about $24,500 USDs. We have got help from a team in England $6,000 USD. GAN churches and local congregation together could contribute worth of $5,700 USD. That leaves us with a $2,800 USD bill to be paid. Hope you will be happy to see this nicer Church building of Sishaniya Sandesh Church. Pawan Tharu, pastor of this congregation is making request for prayer so that they could clear up the remaining dues.
2) Sandesh Church Tikuligadh, Rajapur Island Bardiya. It is simple type of building wood and mud plastered walls and tin sheet roofed 800 sq. feet sized building. We have bought tin sheets from Nepalgunj Church and given them as a help. It will not be a permanent building but it will go for some couple of years till they will have funds available for new wider and better church building.
Thank you so much for your earnest prayers and faithful support!
For His Glory and Kingdom:
K.B. & Sushila Basel
Gospel Assembly Nepal
Sushila and Katherine, their granddaughter |
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